Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

5 Sustainable Weight Loss Tips That Feel Good

Sustainable weight loss isn't just about reaching a specific number on the scale. It's about cultivating a healthy relationship with food, movement, and your overall well-being. By incorporating the tips discussed in this blog post, you can shift your focus beyond the scale and create a sustainable, positive approach to weight loss.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Weight Loss Hypnosis: Reprogram Your Mind for Lasting Change

Hypnosis can help you identify and address the emotional triggers that lead to unhealthy eating patterns. For instance, if you turn to food for comfort during stressful situations, hypnosis can help you develop alternative coping mechanisms and overcome emotional eating.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Why Hypnosis Might Not Work (for Now)

It's important to be upfront: hypnosis isn't a magic solution, and its success relies on a collaborative effort between you and the hypnotherapist.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Unlocking Minds: Demystifying Hypnosis on World Hypnotism Day

Whether you're curious about hypnosis or seeking solutions to specific challenges, World Hypnotism Day invites you to explore the potential benefits of this age-old practice. From breaking habits to enhancing performance, hypnosis offers a versatile toolkit for personal growth and well-being.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Making Wellness a Priority: 6 Tips for the Festive Season

If you're already feeling the pressure of the holidays, know that you're not alone. The good news? You don't have to let the holiday stress take its toll! Here are some practical strategies to boost your resilience and safeguard both your physical and mental well-being throughout this festive season.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

6 Things You Should Know Before Trying Hypnotherapy

If you've seen someone get hypnotized on tv, chances are they're doing something strange-like barking like a dog or meowing like a cat. In an actual hypnotherapy session, there are no swinging pocket watches in front of you, and you'd never be asked to do something against your own will.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Virtual Weight Loss Jab: A Groundbreaking Hypnosis Program

the Virtual Weight Loss Jab emerges as a powerful hypnosis program designed to suppress appetite, control cravings, and address emotional eating. This remarkable approach shifts the focus from short-term diets to long-lasting changes in how you perceive and interact with food.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Breaking Down Common Myths about Hypnosis and Weight Loss

Hypnosis, with its air of mystique and intrigue, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. From mesmerising stage performances to claims of therapeutic benefits, the concept of hypnosis has been both revered and misunderstood. Particularly when linked to weight loss, it sparks curiosity and scepticism alike. In this blog, we embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the myths surrounding hypnosis and its role in aiding weight loss.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Winter Wellness: Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Mind and Body

Winter brings cooler temperatures and shorter days, creating an atmosphere that calls for special attention to our well-being. The colder weather and change in daylight hours can have an impact on our mental and physical health. To ensure a healthy mind and body during this season, it is essential to prioritise self-care.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Breaking the Cycle: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage and Emotional Eating

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage and emotional eating? Do you find yourself turning to food as a coping mechanism when you're stressed or upset? It's a common issue, and the good news is that it's something you can overcome. In this blog, we'll explore what self-sabotage and emotional eating are, the impact they can have on your life, and actionable steps you can take to break the cycle and move towards a healthier, happier you.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Coping Strategies for the New Year Blues

Remember, self-care is not selfish - it's essential for your well-being. By making time for yourself, prioritising sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and practicing relaxation techniques, you can improve your mood, reduce stress, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Money Mindset Hacks - Scarcity vs Abundance

When you think about your financial situation, does it give you a feeling of contentment, gratitude and balance or concerned that you have enough to make ends meet?

Don’t get me wrong, the numbers in your bank account definitely do matter. However your ‘Money Mindset’ and how you think about money will determine the role it plays in your life.

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Richard Kellow Richard Kellow

Self-Hypnosis for Self-Care

Self-hypnosis doesn’t take up a lot of time nor require any special processes and can be done from the comfort of your own surroundings anytime you need that extra support and relaxation.

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