Hypnosis For Hormones Guided Meditation


This Mp3 has been designed to enable you to take back control of your hormone health by making better lifestyle choices to achieve the results you are looking for.

Do you suffer from any of the below:

Struggle to lose weight, despite exercising and trying various diets

Stubborn to shift belly fat around their middle, even if the rest of their body is slim

Tired all the time, feeling exhausted through the day, but often finds it difficult to get a good night’s sleep

Hot flushes, PMS, adult acne or mood swings

Brain fog, memory loss and forgetfulness that inhibits their ability to concentrate and work to their fullest

Hormonal changes affect our weight, metabolism, mood, energy and health. People with chronic stress, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, infertility and irregular periods, memory loss, brain fog, low mood and weight can all benefit from re-balancing their hormones.

This MP3 is not designed to replace medical advice but to promote better lifestyle choices. It is best listened to somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed or need to do anything which requires your attention ie driving or operating machinery.

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